Using Adobe Myriad Pro OpenType with LaTeX ====================================================================== 2010-07-03 Michael Gaehrken -------------------------- Requirements -------------------------- You need the "fontaxes" package installed. It is part of the MinionPro distribution, which is available at A program to convert the OpenType fonts into the Type1 format is required. The program cfftot1 included in the LCDF Typetools ( is recommended, and can be used with one of the included scripts: - is a Unix script - convert.bat is a DOS script -------------------------- Installation -------------------------- This describtion assumes a TDS-compliant TeX system. 1) Unpack the archive. The archive contains the following files and folders: ReadMe.txt: This file scripts/: Scripts for converting the fonts texmf/: Folder with all files required by TeX 2) Install the TeX/LaTeX files. The folder "texmf" contains all files for TeX/LaTeX in their correct position in a virtual texmf-tree, therefore you only need to move the files to their corresponding location in your local texmf-tree. Some of the directorys might have to be created first. 3) Prepare the fonts. Copy the OpenType fonts MyriadPro-Bold.otf MyriadPro-Semibold.otf MyriadPro-Light.otf MyriadPro-SemiboldIt.otf MyriadPro-LightIt.otf MyriadPro-It.otf MyriadPro-BoldIt.otf MyriadPro-Regular.otf into the "otf" directory in the supplied "scripts" folder. 4) Convert the OpenType fonts. Open a terminal and change into the "scripts" directory. Then run the following command to convert the fonts: .convert/.sh For MikTex execute convert.bat 5) Install the fonts. The resulting four PFB-files created under 4) have to be moved to texmf/fonts/type1/adobe/myriadpro/ in your local texmf-tree. 6) Update your filename database. If your tex system maintains a filename database, you might have to update manually now. Please consult the documentation of your tex system. 7) Enable the map file. Please consult the documentation of your tex system, how to enable the additional font map "", which is located in texmf/fonts/map/dvips/lstgaramond/. Under teTeX 3.0 and later, run the following commands: texhash updmap --enable Map For other distributions, please consult your documentation! 9) You can find the documentation in texmf/doc/latex/MyriadPro/MyriadPro.pdf ---------------------------- History ----------------------------- 2010-07-03 Inital release ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Gaehrken